
Rabbit IgG ELISA Kit

Original price was: ₹140,500.00.Current price is: ₹93,648.00.

Product overview:

The anti-Rabbit IgG Fc ELISA Kit (EL-001) is a classic 2-step sandwich ELISA designed for the quantitative measurement of rabbit IgG antibodies in cell culture supernatant, plasma and serum.

This ELISA employs capture antibodies that recognize the Fc portion of rabbit IgG coated onto a 96-well strip plate. The wells of the plate are pre-blocked and ready for the addition of standards and samples, which eliminates the need for a lengthy blocking step and additional washing steps. This approach reduces total assay time and allows rapid detection at a sensitivity of 0.3 ng/mL. See the anti-Rabbit IgG Fc ELISA kit’s protocol for further details. Our ELISA kit has several benefits:

  • Ready to use. Simply add standards and samples directly to wells. No need for lengthy blocking or rehydration steps.
  • Reduced assay time.
  • High sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility.
  • Fully validated in biological samples.
  • 96-well plate is breakable into 12 x 8 well strips.

Species Reactivity: 

This ELISA assay kit recognizes rabbit IgG protein. Reactivity with other species was determined by measuring immunoglobulin from goat, mouse, human and chicken diluted in Dilution Buffer at five different concentrations and interpolating the immunoglobulin concentrations from the rabbit IgG standard curve. The interpolated concentrations were then expressed as a percentage of the rabbit IgG concentration assayed at the same dilution.

At the highest concentrations tested, goat, mouse, human and chicken antibodies displayed only 2.5, 1.9, 2.0 and 0% cross reactivity, respectively.

Product Specifications

  • Size: 12 x 8 well strips
  • Limit of Detection (LOD): 0.3 ng/ml
  • Dynamic Range: 0.38 ng/ml – 12 ng/ml
  • Sample Type: Cell culture supernatant, Plasma, Serum
  • Sample Size: 100 ul

Protein name

Rabbit IgG

Species reactivity


Assay format

Solid-phase Sandwich ELISA (quantitative)

Sample type

Serum, Plasma, Cell culture supernatant

Sample volume

100 μL

Assay length

3.5 hrs

Analytical sensitivity

<20 pg/mL

Assay range

31.25 – 2000 pg/mL

Intra-assay CV%


Inter-assay CV%



95.3% (Serum)

91.6% (Plasma)

88.9% (Culture media)

Detection & Instrument

Colorimetric, Microplate Reader

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    Note-  REINSTE NANO VENTURES Pvt. Ltd. is an authorized distributor of CYTODIAGNOSTICS Inc. across PAN India

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