Carbon Black Powder

  • The finest analogue of industrially used filler for polymer composites
  • Average particle size: ca. 13 nm; Specific surfce: ca. 550 m²/g
  • Ash content: < 0,02 %; Bulk density: ca. 120 g/L
Pack Sizes-


Catalogue No.Quantity
RN – PL – CB13-5g5g
RN – PL – CB13-50g50g
RN – PL – CB13-200g200g


SKU: RN - PL - CB13 Category: Tag:

Product Overview

Hiyka's Carbon Black Powder is a premium-grade material known for its exceptional purity, consistency, and performance. Produced through state-of-the-art processes, our carbon black powder offers superior coloring, conductivity, and reinforcement properties. Ideal for a wide range of applications, from industrial coatings to high-performance composites, our product sets the standard for quality and reliability in the market.

Key factor

  • High Purity: Our Carbon Black Powder is manufactured to meet the highest standards of purity, ensuring optimal performance in your applications.
  • Exceptional Dispersion: Designed for easy integration into various matrices, our powder exhibits excellent dispersion characteristics, enhancing the performance and quality of the end product.
  • Superior Color Strength: Provides deep, rich blacks with outstanding color stability, making it the preferred choice for pigments in inks, paints, and coatings.
  • Enhanced Conductivity: Ideal for applications requiring electrical conductivity, our carbon black powder can be used in batteries, conductive films, and other electronic materials.
  • Reinforcement Properties: When added to polymers and composites, it significantly improves their mechanical properties, including strength, durability, and resistance to wear and tear.


  • Coatings and Paints: Offers exceptional tinting strength and UV protection, ideal for automotive and industrial coatings.
  • Plastics and Composites: Enhances the mechanical properties and UV resistance of plastics and composite materials, suitable for automotive parts, packaging, and more.
  • Rubber Products: Critical for manufacturing tires and rubber goods, providing strength, abrasion resistance, and extending product life.
  • Electronics: Used in the production of electrodes, batteries, and conductive coatings, improving electrical conductivity and performance.
  • Inks and Toners: Provides deep black colors for printing inks and toners, ensuring sharpness and durability of printed materials.


  • Increased Strength and Durability: When added to polymers and composites, Carbon Black Powder significantly improves their tensile strength, durability, and resistance to physical wear and tear, making materials last longer and perform better under stress.
  • Deep, Rich Blacks: Offers unparalleled depth and richness of color, making it an ideal pigment in inks, paints, coatings, and plastics. This results in products with better appearance and color consistency.
  • Enhanced Heat Resistance: Carbon Black Powder provides excellent thermal stability, allowing materials to maintain their integrity and performance at high temperatures. This is critical in automotive, industrial, and aerospace applications.
  • Economical: Despite its high performance, Carbon Black Powder is a cost-effective solution for many applications, offering significant improvements in product quality and performance without substantially increasing costs.


At Hiyka, we are committed to innovation and excellence. Our Carbon Black Powder is the result of rigorous research and development, ensuring that we offer a product that not only meets but exceeds industry standards. With Hiyka, you gain a partner dedicated to providing materials that enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and performance of your products.

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    The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product.

    For additional information, please refer to the Contact us on- +91-120-4781-212/3

    For bulk orders Contact us on : [email protected]

    • We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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