CNT HDPE Masterbatch

  • CNT content: 15-20wt%
  • CNTs outer Diameter: 10-30nm
  • Matrix resin: HDPE 5000S
  • Volume Resistivity: <=1
  • Pack Sizes Available :  5Kg,  20 Kg

Product Overview

Our CNTs HDPE Masterbatch represents a breakthrough in polymer technology, combining the exceptional mechanical strength and thermal stability of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with the unparalleled conductivity and durability of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). Specially formulated for industries demanding high-performance materials, this masterbatch is designed to significantly improve the physical, electrical, and thermal properties of HDPE-based products. Whether for advanced packaging solutions, durable construction materials, or high-end consumer goods, our CNTs HDPE Masterbatch sets a new standard for excellence.

Key factor

  • Uniform Dispersion: Advanced compounding technology ensures homogeneous distribution of CNTs within the HDPE matrix.
  • Customization Flexibility: Available in various concentrations to meet specific performance requirements.
  • High-Quality Manufacturing: Produced under strict quality control standards to ensure consistency and reliability.
  • Eco-Friendly Option: Enhances the sustainability profile of HDPE products by improving their durability and performance.


  • Advanced Packaging: Ideal for creating robust, durable packaging materials that protect against mechanical stress and temperature variations.
  • Construction Materials: Enhances the strength, durability, and thermal performance of HDPE used in pipes, fittings, and construction elements.
  • Automotive Components: Improves the performance of automotive parts requiring high strength, durability, and thermal resistance.
  • Consumer Goods: Suitable for a wide
  • range of consumer products, from sports equipment to durable household items.


  • Improved Mechanical Strength: Offers significant increases in tensile strength and durability, extending the life of HDPE products.
  • Enhanced Thermal Resistance: Elevates HDPE's thermal stability, making it suitable for applications across a broader temperature range.
  • Increased Electrical Conductivity: Introduces conductive properties to HDPE, opening up new uses in electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection and electronic packaging.
  • Superior Processing Ease: Designed to seamlessly integrate with existing HDPE manufacturing processes without requiring major adjustments.


  • Influence of carbon nanotube–polymeric compatibilizer masterbatches on morphological, thermal, mechanical, and tribological properties of polyethylene, M Pöllänen, S Pirinen, M Suvanto… - Composites Science and …, 2011 - Elsevier
  • Preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/high density polyethylene composites with enhanced properties by using a master batch method, FA He, LM Zhang - Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2021 -
  • A study on the effect of carbon nanotube surface modification on mechanical and thermal properties of CNT/HDPE nanocomposite, S Salehi, F Maghmoomi, S Sahebian… - Journal of …, 2021 -
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    The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product.

    For additional information, please refer to the Contact us on- +91-120-4781-212/3

    For bulk orders Contact us on : [email protected]

    • We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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