Fullerene C60-99.5%

  • Molecular formula: C 60
  • Molecular weight: 720.67
  • purity: 99.5%
  • Color and character: Black  powder with weak fluorescence.
  • Solubility: Fullerene is poorly soluble in most solvents, and is usually dissolved with aromatic solvents such as toluene, chlorobenzene, or    non-aromatic solvent carbon disulfide. The solution of pure fullerene is usually purple, and the concentration is purple-red.

HPLC Inspection report:

  • Analysis Conditions:
  • Columns — Buckprep
  • (4.6 * 250 mm) Sample — 25 0 ppm C60
  • Mobile phase — 100% toluene, flow rate — 1.0 mL / min
  • Detection Wavelength — 310 nm , temperature — 2 4 ℃
  • HPLC area ratio calculation , purity is 99.5 4 %.
SKU: RN-DT-C60-99.5 Categories: ,

Product Overview

Fullerene is a carbon allotrope. Any substance that consists of a single element of carbon and exists in a spherical, oval, or tubular structure can be called a fullerene. Fullerene has a similar structure to graphite, but graphite has only six-membered rings, while fullerenes may have five-membered rings.Fullerene C60-99.5% offers a remarkable purity level that meets the stringent requirements of cutting-edge research and innovative applications. Known for its distinctive molecular geometry and exceptional physical and chemical properties, our Fullerene C60 opens new avenues in materials science, electronics, and biotechnology, enabling advancements that were previously unimaginable.

Key factors

  • Exceptional Purity: With a purity of 99.5%, this Fullerene C60 ensures high reliability and consistency for research, development, and application needs.
  • Unique Molecular Structure: The spherical configuration of carbon atoms provides significant stability, electron mobility, and the ability to act as a powerful antioxidant.
  • Chemical Versatility: While inherently stable, C60 can be functionalized to create various derivatives, expanding its utility across different scientific domains.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Exhibits intriguing semiconductor properties, with potential applications in creating superconducting materials at certain conditions.


  • Innovative Material Solutions: Empowers the development of novel materials with superior mechanical, thermal, and conductive properties for use in a range of industries.
  • Biomedical Potential: Investigated for its antioxidative properties and suitability as a drug delivery vector, offering promising avenues in therapy and diagnostics.
  • Enhancement of Electronic Devices: Ideal for application in organic photovoltaics, transistors, and sensors, contributing to the evolution of electronics and photonics.
  • Sustainability and Energy: Plays a role in the creation of more efficient solar energy systems and energy storage solutions, aligning with global sustainability goals.


Fullerene has been widely used in daily cosmetics due to its excellent properties (or functions) such as free radical capture, light absorption, superconducting semiconductor, perfect structure, DNA affinity, electron acceptor, efficient adsorption, and embedded molecules. , Pharmaceutical intermediates, health products, rubber / film material modifiers, high-tech energy sources, composite material additives and many other fields. Utilized in the fabrication of organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) for improved efficiency and functionality.Incorporated into composites and polymers to enhance strength, durability, and electrical properties, finding uses in automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods.

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