Fullerene C60-99.9%


  • Molecular formula: C 60
  • Molecular weight: 720.67
  • Purity: 99.9%
  • Color and character: Black powder with weak fluorescence.
  • Fullerene is poorly soluble in most solvents, and is usually dissolved with aromatic solvents such as toluene, chlorobenzene, or non-aromatic solvent carbon disulfide. The solution of pure fullerene is usually purple, and the concentration is purple-red.
SKU: RN-DT-C60-99.9 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Product Overview

Fullerene is a carbon allotrope. Any substance that consists of a single element of carbon and exists in a spherical, oval, or tubular structure can be called a fullerene. Fullerene has a similar structure to graphite, but graphite has only six-membered rings, while fullerenes may have five-membered rings. As a prominent representative of the fullerene family, the C 60 molecule is a spherical 32-hedron composed of 60 carbon atoms connected by 20 six-membered rings and 12 five-membered rings, which is very close to the structure of a football. Its unique structure and singular properties Has attracted the attention of scientists from various countries.

Key features:

  • High Purity: At 99.9% purity, our Fullerene C60 provides the reliability and consistency required for high-precision research and development.
  • Unique Molecular Structure: The spherical geometry and carbon composition contribute to its remarkable stability, electron affinity, and ability to act as an antioxidant.
  • Versatile Reactivity: Despite its stability, C60 can participate in a variety of chemical reactions, allowing for functionalization and the creation of complex derivatives.
  • Exceptional Electronic Properties: Exhibits semiconductor properties, photoconductivity, and the ability to form superconductors when combined with alkali metals.


  • Advanced Material Development: Enables the creation of new materials with enhanced durability, conductivity, and reactivity for use in electronics, coatings, and energy storage.
  • Biomedical Applications: The antioxidant properties and potential for drug delivery make C60 a promising candidate for therapeutic applications, including anti-aging treatments and cancer therapy.
  • Research and Diagnostics: Its unique structure and properties facilitate research in nanotechnology, materials science, and quantum computing, contributing to advancements in these fields.
  • Environmental and Energy Solutions: C60's ability to act as a photovoltaic material supports the development of solar cells and energy-efficient devices, contributing to sustainable energy initiatives.


Fullerene has been widely used in daily cosmetics due to its excellent properties (or functions) such as free radical capture, light absorption, superconducting semiconductor, perfect structure, DNA affinity, electron acceptor, efficient adsorption, and embedded molecules. , Pharmaceutical intermediates, health products, rubber / film material modifiers, high-tech energy sources, composite material additives and many other fields.C 60 research has involved many disciplines and applied research fields such as energy, lasers, superconductors and ferromagnets, life sciences, materials science, polymer science, catalysis, etc., and has increasingly shown great potential and important Research value and application value.

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