Fullerene C70, 99+%

  • Chemical Formula: C70
  • Purity: ≥99%
  • Appearance: Black or dark brown powder
  • Molecular Weight: 840.7 g/mol
  • Solubility: Soluble in aromatic solvents such as toluene and chlorobenzene; sparingly soluble in alcohols.
  • Melting Point: ~280°C (Decomposes)
  • Boiling Point: Sublimes
  • Density: ~1.67 g/cm³ at 25 °C
  • Electronic Properties: Semiconductor with a bandgap of ~1.6 eV
  • Storage Conditions: Store in a cool, dry place, away from light, at -20°C

Pack Sizes-

Catalogue No.Quantity
RN -PL -1C70-10mg10mg
RN -PL -1C70-50mg50mg
RN -PL -1C70-200mg200mg
SKU: RN -PL -1C70 Categories: ,

Product Overview

Our Fullerene C70, 99+% embodies the zenith of nanomaterial sophistication, offering an ultra-high purity form of this remarkable allotrope of carbon. With its distinctive geometry and superior purity, Fullerene C70 opens new avenues for innovation in materials science, photovoltaics, electronics, and beyond. This product is tailored for researchers and technologists who require the utmost quality and performance from their nanomaterials, enabling groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.

Key factor

  • Ultra-High Purity: The 99+% purity level guarantees a premium quality material, essential for high-precision applications and minimizing variables in experimental work.
  • Unique Ellipsoidal Structure: Unlike the spherical C60, C70’s elongated shape offers different electronic and optical properties, providing broader absorption in the visible to near-infrared range and enhancing its reactivity.
  • Chemical Flexibility: Capable of undergoing various functionalizations, C70 can be adapted for a wide array of applications, from materials engineering to biomedical research.
  • Enhanced Optical and Electronic Characteristics: Exhibits unique optical properties and behaves as a semiconductor, which can be exploited in a range of technologies, including organic photovoltaics and electronic devices.


  • Organic Photovoltaics: Utilized in solar cell components to improve light absorption and photovoltaic efficiency, driving forward the capabilities of renewable energy technologies.
  • High-Performance Electronics: Integral to the development of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), where its properties can lead to enhanced device operation.
  • Nanomedicine: Explored for use in drug delivery systems that target specific cells or tissues, as well as in the creation of innovative diagnostic tools.
  • Advanced Composites: Reinforces polymers and other materials, offering improved strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability for aerospace, automotive, and consumer electronics applications.


  • Next-Generation Material Development: Enables the synthesis of novel materials with outstanding mechanical, optical, and conductive properties, particularly useful in nanocomposites and advanced coatings.
  • Superior Performance in Photovoltaics: The distinctive optical properties of C70 enhance the efficiency of organic solar cells, contributing to the development of more effective renewable energy solutions.
  • Cutting-Edge Biomedical Applications: The potential for targeted drug delivery and diagnostic imaging, leveraging C70’s ability to be functionalized with various biomolecules.
  • Innovative Electronics and Photonics: Advances the design and functionality of organic electronic devices, sensors, and photonic systems, pushing the limits of current technology.


Fullerene C70, 99+% represents the forefront of nanomaterial excellence, providing an unparalleled foundation for the exploration and development of next-generation technologies. Its exceptional purity and unique molecular structure equip scientists and engineers with a powerful tool to challenge the boundaries of what is possible, catalyzing advancements across a spectrum of disciplines. Embrace the potential of Fullerene C70, 99+%, and unlock new dimensions in your research and development projects.

76 / 100


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