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  • Hydroxy Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

Hydroxy Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

  • Purity: >95wt%;
  • -OH content: 1.76wt%;
  • Inner diameter: 5-10nm;
  • Outer Diameter: 20-30nm;
  • Length: 10-30um;
  • Specific Surface Area: >110 m2/g;
  • ASH:<1.5wt%;
  • Bulk Density: 0.28g/cm3;
  • True Density: 2.1g/cm3;
  • EC: >100S/cm;
  • Black powder.

Product Overview

Hiyka's Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Variant 4, represent the forefront of nanomaterial innovation, offering tailored performance for advanced applications across a broad spectrum of industries. This specific variant is optimized with hydroxyl (–OH) functionalization to enhance dispersion, chemical reactivity, and compatibility, making it an ideal choice for developers and researchers in composite materials, electronics, energy storage, and biotechnology seeking to leverage the unique properties of carbon nanotubes combined with functional surface chemistry.

Key factor

  • Optimized Hydroxyl Functionalization: Ensures excellent dispersion in both aqueous and organic solvents, promoting seamless integration into diverse materials.
  • Enhanced Chemical Reactivity: The introduction of –OH groups on the surface facilitates covalent bonding with a variety of molecules, allowing for customization and complex modifications.
  • Preserved Mechanical Strength: Maintains the high tensile strength and durability characteristic of MWCNTs, crucial for reinforcing advanced composite materials.
  • Conductive and Thermal Properties: Despite functionalization, Variant 4 preserves the intrinsic electrical conductivity and thermal stability of MWCNTs, suitable for a range of applications.


  • Composite Material Reinforcement: Increases the strength, conductivity, and thermal resistance of polymers, ceramics, and metals in automotive, aerospace, and electronics.
  • Advanced Electronics: Enhances the efficacy of sensors, transistors, conductive inks, and flexible electronics, where high conductivity and modification are beneficial.
  • Energy Storage Solutions: Improves battery and supercapacitor performance, contributing to higher energy density and faster charging capabilities.
  • Biomedical Devices: Facilitates advancements in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and biosensing, leveraging the modified surface for increased biocompatibility.


  • Customizable Functionalization: Offers extensive modification possibilities to meet specific demands, providing unmatched versatility for innovative solutions.
  • Improved Material Compatibility: Enhanced dispersion and reactivity lead to more effective material integration, creating uniform and efficient composites.
  • High-Quality Manufacturing: Produced with strict quality controls to ensure purity, functionality, and consistent performance across applications.
  • Support for Sustainable Innovation: Contributes to the development of eco-friendly materials and technologies, aligning with environmental sustainability goals.
  • Industrial Scalability: Available in bulk quantities, meeting large-scale industrial application needs without compromising on quality or performance.


  • Goel N., Sharma V. Carbon Nanotubes: A New Era in Mechanical Engineering–A Review. Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res. 2012;7:1623–1626.
  • Veronese G., Angelucci R., Suriano F., Rizzoli R. High density electron emission source based on carbon nanotubes for industrial applications. Diam. Relat. Mater. 2009;18:963–966. doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.02.005.
  • Barick A., Tripathy D.K. Preparation, characterization and properties of acid functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites. Mater. Sci. Eng. B. 2011;176:1435–1447. doi: 10.1016/j.mseb.2011.08.001.
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