Silver Nanopowder, Dry

  • Ag – dry nanopowder, hydrophilic Average particle size: ca. 100-150 nm,
  • Available in Pack-Sizes: 10mg, 50mg, 100mg.

Product Overview

Dry silver nanopowder consists of silver particles at the nanoscale, offering unique properties like high electrical conductivity, antimicrobial activity, and enhanced catalytic efficiency. This powder is utilized in various industries due to its superior performance characteristics.

Key factor

  • High Purity: Typically >99% pure silver.
  • Uniform Particle Size: Average size ranging from 10 to 100 nanometers.
  • Stable Dry Form: Allows for long shelf life and easy handling.
  • High Surface Area: Enhanced chemical reactivity and electrical conductivity.


  • Medical Devices: Used in coatings for instruments and implants to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Electronics: Employed in conductive inks and pastes for printed electronics.
  • Catalysis: Acts as a catalyst in chemical reactions.
  • Textiles: Incorporated into fabrics to create antimicrobial protective wear.
  • Sensors: Utilized in biosensors and chemical sensors for enhanced sensitivity.


  • Enhanced Conductivity: Improves electrical pathways in composites and coatings.
  • Antibacterial Properties: Effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Efficient in heat transfer applications.
  • Optical Properties: Useful in optical sensors and devices due to unique light absorption and scattering capabilities.


Suitable for a wide range of applications across different industries Offers superior performance due to its nanoscale effects. Produced under stringent controls to ensure quality and purity. Can be tailored in terms of particle size and surface coatings to meet specific application needs.

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    • We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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