Tin Oxide



  • Purity : 99.9%
  • Particle size ~80 nm
  • BET multi-point specific surface area (SSA) ~11 m2/g

Product Overview

Product Description for Hiyka’s Tin Oxide 80nmHiyka's Tin Oxide 80nm is a high-quality, ultrafine powder known for its high purity and exceptional properties, tailored for advanced industrial applications. This product is ideal for manufacturers requiring superior performance in areas such as electronics, optics, and ceramics.

Key factor

  • Ultrafine Particle Size: The 80nm particle size provides a high surface area, enhancing the material's reactivity and effectiveness in various applications.
  • High Purity: Engineered for high purity, Hiyka’s Tin Oxide 80nm ensures superior performance in critical applications, particularly in electronics and optics.
  • Thermal Stability: Demonstrates excellent stability under high temperatures, making it suitable for applications that experience extreme heat.
  • Chemical Inertness: Resistant to acids, bases, and solvents, providing durability and stability in harsh chemical environments.
  • Optical Properties: Offers unique optical properties, including transparency and UV absorbance, ideal for use in coatings and glass manufacturing.


  • Transparent Conductive Coatings: Used in the production of touch screens, solar cells, and flat panel displays due to its conductive yet transparent properties.
  • Ceramics: Enhances the mechanical properties and durability of ceramic products.
  • Gas Sensors: Utilized in the manufacture of sensors for detecting gases due to its sensitivity to gas molecules.
  • Catalysis: Serves as a catalyst in chemical reactions, improving efficiency and selectivity.
  • Glass Additive: Improves the chemical durability and optical properties of glass, including making it more resistant to infrared and ultraviolet light.


  • Enhanced Product Performance: The ultrafine particle size and high purity contribute to improved performance and reliability in applications such as conductive coatings and sensors.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a broad range of applications, offering manufacturers the flexibility to use one product across multiple product lines.
  • Durability: Increases the longevity and durability of products in which it is used, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Cost-Effective: Despite its high-quality attributes, Hiyka’s Tin Oxide 80nm is offered at a competitive price, providing excellent value for money.
  • Technical Support: Hiyka provides full technical support, including data sheets, application guides, and customer service to assist with product integration and optimization.


Hiyka ensures reliable delivery and availability of Tin Oxide 80nm, supporting your business continuity and production schedules without disruption.By choosing Hiyka’s Tin Oxide 80nm, you are selecting a product that not only meets the specific demands of your applications but also supports your business goals through superior quality, comprehensive technical support, and a commitment to sustainable practices.

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    The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product.

    For additional information, please refer to the Contact us on- +91-120-4781-212/3

    For bulk orders Contact us on : [email protected]

    • We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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