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  • Anti-6X IgG Gold Conjugates, Gold Nanoparticles

Anti-6X IgG Gold Conjugates, Gold Nanoparticles

Original price was: ₹62,900.00.Current price is: ₹40,600.00.

Anti-6X His IgG Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles - Product Sheet

Anti-6X His IgG Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles

Anti-6X His IgG is a mouse-derived antibody that binds specifically to a sequence of 6 repeating histidine residues, commonly known as a His tag. His tags, typically expressed at either the C- or N-terminal regions of recombinant proteins, are essential in purification and isolation using immobilized metal affinity chromatography due to their strong affinity for Ni2+ through chelation.


Anti-6X His conjugated gold nanoparticles are engineered for use in various applications such as lateral flow, immunoblotting, light microscopy, and electron microscopy. These conjugated nanoparticles are available in various core sizes, including 5nm, 10nm, 15nm, 20nm, up to 100nm, with an absorbance (lambda max.) of 515-520nm.

Product Sheet and SDS

The gold nanoparticles are available at optical densities (OD) of 3 and 10, selectable in product options. Conjugated with Mouse Anti-6X His Antibody, these nanoparticles are supplied in 1XPBS (pH 7.4), 20% glycerol (v/v), and 1% BSA, with a working dilution of 1:1-1:100.


These nanoparticles are a sensitive probe for detecting recombinant proteins with a C-terminal, N-terminal, or internal 6X Histidine epitope. Suitable for use in immunoblotting, lateral flow assays, light microscopy, and electron microscopy applications among others.


Store undiluted in storage buffer at 2-8°C. The product is stable for 4 months if stored as specified. Storing the conjugate at working dilution may result in performance loss.

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