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  • Larger-Inner diameter Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

Larger-Inner diameter Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

  • Purity: >70wt%;
  • Inner diameter: 20-50nm;
  • Outer Diameter: 30-60nm;
  • Length: 1-10um;
  • Specific Surface Area: >200m2/g;
  • ASH<2.0wt%;
  • Tap density: 0.0441g/cm3;
  • EC>100S/cm; Black powder.

Product Overview

Introducing our premium Large Inner Diameter Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs), a groundbreaking innovation in nanotechnology designed to meet the needs of advanced research and industrial applications. These MWCNTs are engineered to offer exceptional mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability, making them ideal for a wide range of applications, including electronics, energy storage, and composite materials. With their larger inner diameter, these MWCNTs provide unique advantages in terms of ease of functionalization and potential for encapsulation, setting new standards in the field of material science.

Key factor

  • Versatile Application: From reinforcing composite materials to serving as conduits for electrical and thermal energy, these MWCNTs are adaptable to a broad spectrum of uses.
  • High Surface Area: Offers excellent chemical reactivity and adsorption properties, enhancing the efficiency of catalytic processes.
  • Customizable: Can be tailored to specific research and industrial requirements, including functionalization with various chemical groups.
  • Quality Assured: Manufactured under strict quality control standards to ensure the highest level of purity and uniformity.


  • Electronics: Utilized in the production of next-generation electronic and photonic devices.
  • Energy Storage: Enhances the performance of batteries and supercapacitors.
  • Composite Materials: Strengthens materials used in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.
  • Biomedical: Offers potential in drug delivery systems and diagnostic applications.


  • Increased Functionalization Potential: The larger inner diameter allows for easier functionalization and modification to meet specific application needs.
  • Enhanced Encapsulation Capability: Ideal for encapsulating a variety of materials, including drugs for biomedical applications and catalysts for chemical processes.
  • Superior Mechanical Properties: Provides outstanding strength and durability to composite materials.
  • High Electrical Conductivity: Perfect for use in the development of conductive materials and components.
  • Improved Thermal Stability: Maintains structural integrity and performance at elevated temperatures.


  • One-step path to highly crystalline multi-walled carbon nanotubes with large inner diameters

    CC Fu, HY Huang, JY Zhang - IOP Conference Series: Materials …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org

  • Key factors limiting carbon nanotube strength: Structural characterization and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

    K Shirasu, I Tamaki, T Miyazaki… - Mechanical …, 2017 - jstage.jst.go.jp

  • Ultrashort nanotube blocked large-inner-diameter multi-walled carbon nanotubes based drug delivery system for tumor targeted therapy

    P Wang, A Meng, T Yang, L Sui… - Journal of Nanoscience …, 2016 - ingentaconnect.com

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