Lead Nanowires

  • Lead Nanowires
  • Average diameter: 80±20 nm
  • Length: up to several millimetres
  • Superconductor at 4K
  • Available in : 10mg, 50mg, 200mg
SKU: RN-PL-PbW100 Category: Tag:

Product Overview

Hiyka's Lead Nanowires represent a significant advancement in material science, offering unique properties for specialized applications in advanced materials and electronics. Engineered with precision, these nanowires harness the conductive properties of lead at the nanoscale, providing an innovative solution for researchers and industry professionals looking to explore the potential of lead in nanotechnology. While lead-based materials are known for their electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, Hiyka prioritizes safety and environmental responsibility in the development and application of these nanowires.

Key factor

  • High Conductivity: Utilizes lead's inherent electrical conductivity, optimized at the nanoscale for enhanced performance in electronic components.
  • Customizable Aspect Ratios: Available in various lengths and diameters, allowing for tailored application in a range of technological innovations.
  • Advanced Mechanical Properties: Offers unique mechanical characteristics suitable for specific research and industrial applications.
  • Specialized Usage: Ideal for niche applications where lead's specific properties provide unparalleled advantages, such as in certain types of sensors, batteries, and shielding materials.


  • Electronics and Photonics: Explores the use of lead nanowires in the development of components where lead's optical and electrical properties are beneficial.
  • Energy Storage: Investigates potential applications in battery technology, leveraging lead's electrochemical properties for advanced energy solutions.
  • Radiation Shielding: Utilizes lead's high density and shielding capability at the nanoscale for protective coatings and materials in medical and aerospace applications.
  • Research and Development: Facilitates cutting-edge scientific exploration into the properties and applications of lead at the nanoscale.


  • Environmental and Health Safety: Recognizes the importance of handling lead-based materials with care, adhering to strict safety protocols to mitigate exposure risks.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures all applications of lead nanowires comply with international health and environmental regulations.
  • Responsible Use: Encourages the use of lead nanowires in contexts where alternatives are not viable, emphasizing recycling and minimizing environmental impact.


72 / 100


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