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  • Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles (Anatase)

Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles (Anatase)

  • TiO2- Nanoparticles, dry powder anatase phase Produced by chemical synthesis ,
  • Average particle size: 4-8 nm Dry nanopowder, free of organic stabilizers.
  • Easily forms collidal solutions in water. Can be used to produce coatings.


Product Overview

Anatase Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles are a form of titanium dioxide (TiO2) noted for their unique photocatalytic properties and excellent UV absorption capabilities. This crystalline form of TiO2 is less dense than rutile but offers superior performance in applications requiring strong photocatalysis, such as environmental purification and solar energy conversion. Due to their nanoscale size, these particles have a high surface area, enhancing their effectiveness in various chemical reactions and applications.

Key factor

  • Photocatalytic Efficiency: Anatase TiO2 is highly efficient at catalyzing reactions under UV light, which makes it ideal for breaking down organic pollutants and generating clean energy.
  • UV Protection: Its strong ability to absorb ultraviolet light also makes it popular in products needing UV protection, such as sunscreens and protective coatings.
  • Surface Area: The nanoparticle form provides a vast surface area that enhances its reactivity and interaction with other substances.
  • Chemical Stability: While anatase is chemically stable under light exposure, it can transform into rutile at high temperatures, affecting its applications.
  • Environmental Impact: These nanoparticles can be used in environmental applications, significantly reducing pollutants in water and air.


  • Environmental Purification: Used in water and air purification systems to degrade organic compounds and clear pollutants using sunlight.
  • Solar Cells: Utilized in dye-sensitized solar panels to enhance the efficiency of converting sunlight to electricity.
  • Cosmetics: Incorporated into sunscreens and other skincare products to provide protection against UV radiation.
  • Self-Cleaning Surfaces: Applied in coatings for windows and other surfaces that remain clean by breaking down dirt and other organic materials when exposed to UV light.
  • Photocatalytic Coatings: Used in outdoor building materials to reduce air pollution and maintain surface cleanliness.


  • High Efficiency in Photocatalysis: Ideal for applications requiring rapid and efficient breakdown of pollutants.
  • Enhanced UV Shielding: Offers excellent protection against the harmful effects of UV light, extending the life of products and protecting human health.
  • Versatility in Applications: Can be utilized across various industries, including environmental, energy, cosmetics, and building materials.
  • Safe for Use: Generally recognized as non-toxic and safe for use in consumer products.
  • Sustainable Impact: Helps in creating greener technologies for environmental management and sustainable energy solutions.


Hiyka utilizes state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques to produce Anatase Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles with precise control over particle size and purity. This high level of control ensures that the nanoparticles exhibit optimal photocatalytic activity and UV absorption, critical for their effectiveness in various applications. Hiyka is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of material science with ongoing research and development. This commitment allows Hiyka to enhance the photocatalytic efficiency of its anatase titanium dioxide, exploring new applications and improving existing ones to meet evolving market demands.

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