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  • Silicon Carbide, Produced by Hot Plasma-Jet Synthesis

Silicon Carbide, Produced by Hot Plasma-Jet Synthesis

  • SiC – Nanopowder Shape: cubic, hexagonal, fragmental, single fibers Particle size full range: 5 – 250 nm Average particle size: 25 – 50 nm Specific surface: > 18 m2/g Bulk density: 0.23 -0.35 g/cm3 Purity: > 98.6% Controlled admixtures, %: Al < 0.03; Mg < 0.03; Na < 0.03; Fe < 0.1; Cu < 0.4; W < 0.2 X-Ray: SiC hexagonal, 98%, lattice: a = 3.082 Å, b = 3.082 Å, c = 15.1006 Å SiC hexagonal, 2%, lattice: a = 3.082 Å, b = 3.082 Å, c = 37.70 Å
  • Available in Pack-Sizes: 1g, 5g, 25g, 50g, 100g.

Product Overview

Silicon Carbide (SiC) produced by hot plasma-jet synthesis is a high-purity, advanced ceramic material known for its exceptional hardness, thermal stability, and chemical resistance. The plasma-jet synthesis method ensures the production of ultra-fine SiC nanoparticles with superior properties, making them suitable for a variety of high-performance applications.

Key factor

  • Synthesis Method: Hot plasma-jet synthesis produces high-purity SiC with a controlled particle size and superior properties.
  • Particle Size: Ultra-fine nanoparticles provide a high surface area, enhancing reactivity and performance in various applications.
  • Purity: High-purity SiC ensures consistent performance and reliability across different uses.
  • Thermal Stability: Exceptional thermal stability, making it suitable for high-temperature applications.


  • Abrasives: Used in abrasive powders, pastes, and tools for grinding, lapping, and polishing hard materials.
  • Ceramics: Integrated into advanced ceramic materials for high-stress environments, offering superior mechanical properties and thermal stability.
  • Thermal Management: Applied in thermal interface materials (TIMs) and heat spreaders to improve heat dissipation in electronic devices.
  • Coatings: Utilized in protective coatings to enhance durability and resistance to wear and corrosion.
  • Composites: Incorporated into polymer and metal-matrix composites to enhance mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and wear resistance.


  • Superior Hardness: SiC is one of the hardest known materials, providing outstanding wear resistance and durability.
  • High Thermal Conductivity: Excellent thermal conductivity facilitates efficient heat dissipation, essential for thermal management applications.
  • Chemical Resistance: Resistant to oxidation and chemical attack, ensuring durability and longevity in corrosive environments.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications due to its unique combination of properties.


Hiyka provides high-purity Silicon Carbide produced by hot plasma-jet synthesis, rigorously tested to meet the highest industry standards. Our team offers comprehensive support and guidance, ensuring optimal results with our materials. We deliver tailored solutions to meet specific research and industrial needs, ensuring the best performance. Hiyka is committed to environmentally responsible production processes, minimizing our ecological footprint.

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