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  • ZIF-8, 2-Methylimidazole zinc salt

ZIF-8, 2-Methylimidazole zinc salt

  • Specific surface: 1300-1800 m2/g
  • Bulk density: ca. 0,3-0,4 g/cm3;
  • Loss on drying: <2%
  • Can be activated at 100°C (vacuum)
  • Empirical Formula C8H12N4Zn
  • Molecular weight: 229,6

Product Overview

Hiyka proudly offers ZIF-8, a leading Metal-Organic Framework characterized by its [2-Methylimidazole Zinc Salt] composition, recognized for its exceptional porosity, thermal stability, and chemical resistance. ZIF-8 is at the cutting edge of MOF research and application, offering a versatile solution for gas storage, separation, catalytic processes, and sensing technologies. Its unique structure, incorporating zinc ions linked by 2-methylimidazole ligands, enables high surface area and selective adsorption properties, making it an invaluable material for addressing critical challenges in energy, environment, and chemical synthesis.

Key factor

Exceptional Porosity: ZIF-8 boasts a high surface area, facilitating significant gas adsorption capacities for hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide.

Robust Thermal and Chemical Stability: Maintains structural integrity under thermal stress and in various chemical environments, enhancing its applicability across a broad range of conditions.

Selective Gas Adsorption: Exhibits excellent selectivity in gas separation processes, particularly for CO2 capture and purification of hydrogen streams.

Versatile Catalytic Support: Acts as an effective support for catalysts in a variety of chemical reactions, improving efficiency and selectivity.

Biocompatibility: ZIF-8's composition and stability also make it suitable for biomedical applications, including drug delivery and biosensing.


Energy Storage and Conversion: Ideal for hydrogen storage and carbon dioxide capture, supporting the development of clean and sustainable energy sources.

Environmental Remediation: Effective in separating and capturing greenhouse gases and pollutants, contributing to environmental protection efforts.

Chemical Industry: Utilized in catalysis and as a support material for catalysts, enhancing reaction processes and product purity.

Biomedical Fields: Applied in drug delivery systems and biosensing, leveraging its porosity and biocompatibility for targeted therapy and diagnostics.


Sustainability: Facilitates eco-friendly solutions for energy and environmental challenges, including efficient gas storage and carbon capture techniques.

Operational Efficiency: Enhances industrial processes through improved catalysis and selective gas separation, leading to energy and cost savings.

Innovative Applications: Opens new avenues in biomedical research, offering potential advancements in drug delivery and sensing technologies.

Scalability: The synthesis of ZIF-8 can be performed on a large scale, making it accessible for industrial applications and research.


Hiyka's ZIF-8 represents the forefront of material science innovation, providing a powerful tool for researchers and industries aiming to overcome contemporary challenges through advanced material applications. With ZIF-8, leverage unparalleled performance in gas storage, separation, catalysis, and beyond.

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