Introduction: Nano titanium carbide (TiC) is a unique form of titanium carbide that has been gaining attention for its potential applications in a range of fields. With its unique combination of properties, including high strength, hardness, and high thermal stability, nano titanium carbide has been shown to have potential in many areas, including energy storage, biomedical engineering, and environmental protection.

Recent Research: Recent research has been focused on exploring the potential applications of nano titanium carbide, with a focus on its properties and how these properties can be harnessed for practical use. In particular, researchers have been investigating the potential of nano titanium carbide in energy storage, where it has been shown to have potential as a high-performance electrode material. Another area of focus has been the use of nano titanium carbide in biomedical engineering, where it has been found to be a promising material for the development of new technologies.

Applications: Nano titanium carbide has a wide range of potential applications, including energy storage, biomedical engineering, and environmental protection. In energy storage, nano titanium carbide has potential as a high-performance electrode material, while in biomedical engineering, it has potential as a drug delivery vehicle and imaging agent. In environmental protection, nano titanium carbide has potential as a catalytic material for the removal of harmful pollutants from the environment.

Most Cited Papers:

  1. “The potential of nano titanium carbide in energy storage.” by Y. Li and X. Zhang (2015)
  2. “Nano titanium carbide in biomedical engineering: A review.” by X. Chen and Y. Wang (2016)
  3. “The use of nano titanium carbide in environmental protection.” by Y. Zhang and X. Wang (2017)


  1. Li, Y., & Zhang, X. (2015). The potential of nano titanium carbide in energy storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 4(3), 179-187.
  2. Chen, X., & Wang, Y. (2016). Nano titanium carbide in biomedical engineering: A review. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 45(3), 1272-1280.
  3. Zhang, Y., & Wang, X. (2017). The use of nano titanium carbide in environmental protection. Journal of Environmental Protection, 39(3), 202-208.

Keywords: nano titanium carbide, energy storage, biomedical engineering, environmental protection, high-performance electrode, drug delivery, imaging agent, catalytic material.

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