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  • Streptavidin Gold NanoUrchin Conjugates

Streptavidin Gold NanoUrchin Conjugates

Original price was: ₹62,900.00.Current price is: ₹40,600.00.

Gold NanoUrchin streptavidin conjugates are suitable for use in immunoblotting, light microscopy, and electron microscopy applications. 

  • Description

  • Product Sheet And SDS

Streptavidin conjugated gold nanourchins can be used for secondary detection of biotinylated probes in assays such as immunoblotting, ELISA, light microscopy and electron microscopy applications.

Streptavidin gold nanourchin conjugates can also be used for convenient and fast conjugation of any biotinylated ligand such as antibodies and oligonucleotides to the gold surface.

Gold nanoparticle core size: 50nm, 60nm, 70nm, 80nm, 90nm, 100nm

Optical density: Available at OD=3 and OD=10, select in product options

Conjugated protein: Streptavidin, from Streptomyces avidinii

Working dilution: 1:5-1:100

Supplied in: 0.5XPBS (pH 7.4), 20% glycerol (v/v), 1% BSA


Gold NanoUrchin streptavidin conjugates are suitable for use in immunoblotting, light microscopy, and electron microscopy applications.

Advantages of Gold Conjugates

  • Sensitive technique (100pg or less in dot blotting when used together with our silver enhancement kit)
  • This small gold nanoparticle conjugate is ideal for increasing sensitivity in immunohistochemistry protocols when used together with our silver enhancement kit for microscopy.
  • Provides a permanent label


  • Store undiluted in storage buffer at 2-8 degree Celsius. Stable for 4 months if stored as specified.
  • Storage of conjugate at working dilution may result in performance loss.
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Note-  REINSTE NANO VENTURES Pvt. Ltd. is an authorized distributor of CYTODIAGNOSTICS Inc. across PAN India

        We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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