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  • Protein G Gold NanoUrchin Conjugates

Protein G Gold NanoUrchin Conjugates

Protein G gold nanourchin conjugates are suitable for use in immunoblotting, light microscopy, SPR, and electron microscopy applications. 

  • Description

  • Product Sheet And SDS

Gold nanoparticle core size: 50nm, 60nm, 70nm, 80nm, 90nm, 100nm

Optical density: Available at OD=3 and OD=10, select in product options

Available in: 0.5ml, 1.0 ml

Conjugated protein: Protein G from Streptococcus sp. (expressed in E. coli)

Working dilution: 1:5-1:100

Supplied in: 0.5XPBS (pH 7.4), 20% glycerol (v/v), 1% BSA


Protein G gold nanourchin conjugates are suitable for use in immunoblotting, light microscopy, SPR, and electron microscopy applications.

Advantages of Gold Conjugates

  • Sensitive technique (100pg or less in dot blotting when used together with our silver enhancement kit)
  • Provides a permanent label


  • Store undiluted in storage buffer at 2-8 degree Celsius. Stable for 4 months if stored as specified.
  • Storage of conjugate at working dilution may result in performance loss.

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    Note-  REINSTE NANO VENTURES Pvt. Ltd. is an authorized distributor of CYTODIAGNOSTICS Inc. across PAN India

            We offer different prices for different pack sizes available.

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