Barium Titanate 100nm

  • Average Particle Size : <100nm
  • 99.9% purity
  • Size: 100nm
  • Purity: 99.9%
  • Appearance: White Powder
  • Phase: Cubic/Tetragonal (at room temperature)
  • CAS Number: 12047-27-7
  • Molecular Formula: BaTiO₃
  • Physical Properties:
    • Density: Approx. 6.02 g/cm³
    • Melting Point: Approx. 1625°C
    • Surface Area: >15 m²/g

Product Overview

Hiyka's Barium Titanate is a premium ceramic material characterized by its outstanding dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties. This high-purity compound is engineered to meet the rigorous demands of modern technology, providing a reliable and efficient solution for manufacturers and researchers alike. Ideal for use in capacitors, piezoelectric devices, thermistors, and other electronic components, Barium Titanate offers enhanced performance and reliability for a wide array of applications.

Key factor

  • High Dielectric Constant: Exhibits a high dielectric constant, making it an excellent material for capacitors and dielectric layer applications
  • .Ferroelectric Properties: Possesses ferroelectric properties that are useful in non-volatile memory devices, sensors, and actuators.
  • Piezoelectric Performance: Demonstrates strong piezoelectric effects, suitable for use in piezoelectric sensors, transducers, and actuators.
  • Thermal Stability: Offers remarkable stability over a wide temperature range, ensuring consistent performance in demanding conditions
  • .Chemical Resistance: Resistant to a variety of chemicals, providing durability in harsh environments.


  • Capacitors: Utilized in the manufacture of multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) for electronics, offering high capacitance in a compact form.
  • Piezoelectric Devices: Essential for piezoelectric sensors and actuators in automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications.
  • Thermistors: Used in positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors for overcurrent protection and temperature sensing.
  • Optoelectronics: Applied in electro-optic modulators and other optoelectronic devices due to its refractive properties.
  • Non-volatile Memory: Serves as a material in ferroelectric random-access memory (FeRAM) devices, offering fast read/write speeds and high endurance.


  • Enhanced Electronic Performance: Enables the development of components with superior performance, including higher capacitance, sensitivity, and efficiency.
  • Reliability and Longevity: Provides consistent performance and reliability over time, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance.
  • Design Flexibility: Allows for innovative device designs due to its versatile properties and compact form factor.
  • Energy Efficiency: Contributes to the development of energy-efficient electronic devices, aligning with global sustainability goals.
  • Competitive Advantage: Offers manufacturers a competitive edge by enabling the production of high-performance, durable, and reliable products.


With Hiyka's Barium Titanate, unlock the full potential of your electronic components and devices. Our high-purity, high-performance ceramic material is designed to propel your projects to the forefront of technology and innovation. Whether you're developing capacitors, piezoelectric devices, thermistors, or advanced optoelectronics, Barium Titanate provides the foundation for excellence and reliability.

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