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  • Antiviral/Antimicrobial additive for plywood and laminates (solvent based, acrylic additive)

Antiviral/Antimicrobial additive for plywood and laminates (solvent based, acrylic additive)


Product Code:  RN-SA-AV-W3

Base: Solvent Based Acrylic Concentrate

Used as: Coatings over Ply, Veneer, Board using Acrylic coatings

Best for: Light colored surfaces

Loading in Final Coating: 3-5% of Concentrate additive

To eradicate the threats unseen by the naked eye, use RN-SA-AV-W3  antiviral additive that kills 99.99% bacteria, microbes, fungus and viruses. Our product comes with Anti-Viral, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial properties. This is possible as  the manufacturing process uses nanotechnology in which nano silver formulation are ingrained in concentration form to be added to acrylic coatings for plywood finishing. When bacteria, fungus or virus land on these plywood surfaces, their cell walls are ruptured, effectively killing/neutralizing them through contact-killing mechanisms.

Packs available: 1L, 5L, 20L


The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product. For additional information,  please refer to the contact details mentioned on the label. Users are recommended to test the product before usage and the suppliers warrantee is only for the cost of product not for any incidental losses  or third party losses.

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The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product.

For additional information, please refer to the Contact us on- +91-120-4781-212/3

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