n-Octadecylphosphonic Acid

  • n-Octadecylphosphonic acid, tech. C18H37P(O)(OH)2 Purity: > 97% MP 100-101°C White to off-white powder
  • 1g, 5g, 10g, 50g

Product Overview

N-Octadecylphosphonic Acid stands out as a specialized compound designed for advanced applications in materials science, surface chemistry, and formulation technologies. With its unique long-chain phosphonic acid structure, this compound offers excellent surface modification capabilities, contributing to the development of hydrophobic surfaces, enhanced stability, and improved performance in a wide range of products.

Key factor

  • Hydrophobic Nature: The octadecyl (C18) alkyl chain imparts significant hydrophobic properties, aiding in the creation of water-repellent surfaces.
  • Surface Adhesion: Exhibits strong adhesion to various substrates, making it suitable for surface modification and coating applications.
  • Chemical Stability: Provides excellent chemical stability, enhancing the durability of treated surfaces and materials.
  • Functional Group Reactivity: The phosphonic acid group allows for versatile chemical reactivity, facilitating the formation of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and binding to metal surfaces.


  • Coatings and Paints: Utilized in the development of hydrophobic and protective coatings for automotive, marine, and architectural applications.
  • Textile Treatments: Enhances the water repellency and durability of fabrics without significantly affecting their breathability or texture.
  • Electronics: Applied in the fabrication of electronic components requiring stable and hydrophobic surface properties to protect against moisture and corrosion.
  • Biomedical Devices: Used in biomedical engineering for surface modification of implants and devices to improve biocompatibility and resistance to biofouling.


  • Improved Material Properties: Enhances the water resistance, durability, and chemical resistance of materials, extending their lifespan and functionality.
  • Versatile Applications: Can be applied across a diverse set of industries, including textiles, coatings, electronics, and biotechnology, for surface modification needs.
  • Enhanced Performance: Contributes to the performance of surfactants and dispersants in formulations, improving product stability and efficacy.
  • Eco-friendly Alternatives: Offers a potential pathway to more environmentally sustainable surface treatments and coatings, aligned with green chemistry principles.


N-Octadecylphosphonic Acid is a powerful tool for researchers and manufacturers aiming to push the boundaries of surface chemistry and material performance. Its ability to confer hydrophobicity, stability, and enhanced adhesion makes it a valuable component in the formulation of advanced materials and products. As we continue to explore its full potential, N-Octadecylphosphonic Acid is set to play a pivotal role in the development of innovative solutions across a broad spectrum of applications.

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